9 Lies that beauty industry is telling you

Hello gorgeous people! Today I wanted to write about something that not only bothers me, but something I've been a "victim" of for a long long time before starting to do my own research and educate myself. I'm talking about some of the lies that beauty industry constantly tells us. It’s no secret that most cosmetic companies rely on a combination of hope and blatant exploitation of other women’s insecurities to sell their products. Here I just summarized the most frequent ones. 1) YOU CAN AGE REWIND Unless you drink some kind of magical potion, you can't age rewind. Let's face it. Collagen loss, swollenness, fine lines are just part of the natural aging process to which we are all subjected. We can't stop it by using serums, creams and other miracle products. Of course a good skincare and makeup can help, but will not make you go from 50 to 20. The only real things you can do to slow down the aging process and make it more acceptable a...