The Power of Makeup

Today I wanted to write a post a little bit different and longer than usual. A post which is inspired by a video created by NikkieTutorials on Youtube and which has gone viral, reaching over 37 Mln views. In the video Nikkie talks about how, lately, there's been a sort of makeup ashame, a misconception that make people think that girls put makeup on just because they want to hide their imperfections or because they feel insicure. After seeing that video, I felt so inspired by the whole concept she deals about and I decided to do an in-depth post about it. What does makeup mean to me? How it makes me feel? How important it is in my day to day life? What impact does it have on me? Why people nowadays put such a shame on it? These are questions I realised I've never really asked myself. When I talk about makeup I usually tend to focus on the practical side of it: which products are better, what kind of makeup can I create for a certain occasion, wh...