ZEIN Herbal Tea - Review

Hello lovelies! Today I'm going to write something I would never thought to review on this blog, simply because I never believed in all those "miracle" teas that claim to make you lose pounds and pounds just by drinking it. Because that's not reality. A month ago I got in touch with ZEIN, a romanian brand which sells this natural herbal tea which claims to regulate metabolism, reduce appetite and detoxify your body. They kindly sent me a package of their tea in order to try it and see what I think about it. First of all the tea comes in a 100gr package and in loose form: you simply have to let it in infusion for 5 minutes in boiling water. It is a complete natural tea which contains chamomile flowers, fenel seed, viola flowers, rose and balm petals and rhubarb leaves. Smell and taste are really pleasant and subtle. I usually had a cup in the morning and one in the evening, as indicated on the instructions, before the meal. I must admit I wasn...