Forget about mid life crisis. The quarter life crisis is the real thing and I seem to be having it since the last year and a half, if not more. The quarter life crisis it's a period of change, somewhere in your mid twenties, when you have a bit of a flap over where your life is at, where it's going and wtf are you going to do within the next years. You feel disconnected from life and insicure about what steps to take next. You aren't sure what comes next, everything seems so overwhelming and pressure begins to hit you if you think at all the things you are supposed to do by 30. CRISIS. Yesterday I turned 26. At this age my parents had already 2 kids and a house. CRISIS. Our lives as a twenty something in this day and age is changing from the way our parents experienced it and I don't know if any other generation realises this. I feel like the majority of us is flitting between minimum wage jobs, trying to travel and having babies and a house. What a crazy...